lspci -nn, lsusb -v, lshw -numeric -html, look for vendor_id:device_id like 168c:003e)
Linux SSDs: The LVFS(Linux Vendor Firmware Service) supports firmware updates for certain devices like f.i. Toshiba-branded NVMe drives supplied to Dell but not the Toshiba drives you buy in the store. Drives from StarLabs are claimed to be supported by the LVFS project; the majority of Samsung drives doesn´t seem to be supported. Crucial offers a proprietary firmware update and data wipe tool that runs under Linux, namely msecli (you can extract it with cpio from the iso). At least for newer drives you can also refresh a damaged firmware even if the newest is tagged to be already installed.
Linux compatible laptops in offer (see your model) may also be at: Lenovo, Dell, Chormebook